One “Very, Very Wet Book” by Jason Gurley: Thirteen Years in the Making

Recently, I had the opportunity to ask Jason Gurley a few questions about his upcoming release Eleanor. Jason is the author of the bestselling novel Greatfall and designer of covers for other bestsellers like Hugh Howey, Russell Blake, Michael Bunker, Ernie Lindsey, and Matthew Mather, among others. Personally, I’m stoked for the release of Jason’s latest novel. If you haven’t had a chance to read any of his works, I highly recommend one of his short stories, The Dark Age. In that short story alone (entirely worth the meager $0.99), you’ll get an excellent sense of what Jason can do to you with his words and you’ll see why I’m looking forward to getting my hands on a copy of Eleanor. Jason’s storytelling has the power to immerse you into fantastic, vast worlds, and make it deeply personal. His characters are vivid, realistic, and you cannot help but empathize with them, whether they are post-apocalyptic marauders or the lone caretaker of an orbiting space station.

Eleanor is a work that’s been marinating in Jason’s mind for thirteen years and is finally just about done with its time in the oven. Before Jason finished Eleanor, he wrote a collection of novels and short stories, telling captivating stories and honing his craft. It’s all led to this point. You can tell that this is one of those novels that has every inkling of being one to permeate through your thoughts long after you’ve read it. Just check out Jason’s interview to see why:
